12 Things You Should Know Before Going To Italy

Last month was my 5th visit to Italy and as it's becoming a big tourist destination again, I thought I'd share what I know from my experience so that your visit can be as great and trouble-free as possible. Italy is a fantastic country which has a lot to offer and there is so much to see. It is one of the best countries in Europe and possibly the world. 1. First Of All Italy Is Fairly Safe, Just Take Reasonable Caution If you go to Italy, you can rest assured that it's not wildly dangerous, there is no risk of being attacked or mugged. Even the city of Naples which is notorious for organised crime does not feel like there's any risk of getting attacked. In the cities (especially Rome) you must beware of the bracelet scammers who will approach tourists in the busiest sites, they'll come up to you and strike up a conversation, then they'll tie a bracelet on your wrist and expect a 'tip.' They expect you to give them amounts of about 25 euros and if you...